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2023 OMA Golf Outing Recap

The Largest Turnout Yet!!!


The 2023 OMA Annual Golf Outing had the largest attendance since the Ohio Masonry Association joined forces with The Association Office!! 97 golfers were on the course at the Golf Club of Dublin at 10:00 AM Thursday, May 25th! The weather was a little chilly but anything is better than rain.


Raffle Winner Bill BlattermanBill Blatterman of Peterson Construction Co. won $255 from the 50/50 raffle but decided that OMA could benefit more! The 50/50 raffle brought in $510 and all proceeds went to OMA!








And the rest of the winners are.........

1st place team - Jason Chojnacki, Mike Benroth, Mike Anderson, Pete Anderson First Place Team
Second Place Team 2nd place team - Joe Valentine, Ryan Carlisle, Pat Williams (not pictured), Joel Baileys
3rd place team - Alex Hogan, Brooks Suprano, Jordan Welch, Wesley Jenkins Third Place Team
Longest Drive Chris Andres Longest Drive - Chris Andres
Longest Putt - Dwight Schmitz Longest Putt Dwight Schmitz
50 Winner Mike Homan $50 prize Winner - Mike Homan
$40 prize winner - Ryan Carlisle 40 Winner Ryan Carlisle
20 Winner John Wasinick $20 prize winner - John Wasinick

Not pictured contest winners

Longest Drive - Pat Williams
Closest to the Pin - Tim Kearns
4th place team - Blaine Thiel, Brian Tillett, Patrick O'Toole, Sam Hunter


A huge Thank You to all of the sponsors this year! The golf outing would not be possible without them! OMA always appreciates their sponsors!

EZ Scaffold
TNT Equpiment Co.
Fairborn Cement
EZG Manufacturing
Portsmith Block
Bryce Hill
Reading Rock
3 Promise Labor Services
Heartland Bank
Kosmos Cement Co.
True Masonry
Quikrete Companies
J. Construction Co.
Wayne Builders Supply
Heidelberg Materials
Lang Masonry
Columbia Machine
St Marys Cement
Innovative Concrete Technologies
PCC Masonry
Oberfields LLC
MCAD (Mason Contractors of Dayton)

Save the Date!

OMA Annual Meeting
March 27-28, 2024

Registration opens February 1st!!

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